Ready to Sell Rabbits.
Ready to Sell Rabbits. It is almost time to see if we can sell our first litter of bunnies. We have the first litter posted on Craig's list now. We will give it a month to see if they sell.
Our Rabbits are Getting Big

Both Martin and I keep forgetting to put the lids back on the feed cans full of hay. Most the time, it doesn't matter, but a couple of times it has rained. The first time, we lost a lot of the hay, because we thought that we had dried it out sufficiently and put it away. When we opened the extra can we had put some of the hay in (It doesn't fit so nicely when it has been spread out.) it was moldy and we had to through it away.
When we were in Branson on vacation, we had put Breanna in charge and told her to make sure she put the can lids on. Well, she is related to her parents and she forgot. Of course, she forgot the day it rained, so we had to dry the hay out again. Martin and Zach made this "roof" so that hopefully when we forget again in the future, our hay can stay dry. We used some of our Cargo Largo pallets for the base to keep the cans out of the mulch/mud.
Our New Roof for over our Feed Cans
Branson Vacation
Listed five of our bunnies on Craig's List. Here are my first attempts for posed photos.
Keeping the Blue Otter for Now
The lady we bought the rabbits from came by the June 1, 2024 to see our babies and the rabbits she sold us. It was great to visit with her and learn more about taking pictures of the bunnies. I didn't do all that well with my camera. It looked to me that she had an easier time of it with her phone, so I will likely have to get better at taking pictures with my phone.
She said that Sunny and Parsley's Blue Otter was the best of the litter and that it is worth keeping and watching for a while.
We decided to weigh Sunny, Parsley, and Clove. Sunny: 10 pounds 6 oz. Parsley: 8 pounds 4 oz. Clove: 6 pounds 4 oz.
She was also really impressed with Sunny's size. And Parsley's as well as she is much bigger than her sisters.
We also decided to mate Parsley and Sunny again. So hopefully we have another litter in about a month.
We decided to wait to weigh Ginger until we move her babies out.
Transferring Clove's Litter to the Tractor
While we were in the grove of weighing rabbits, we decided to move Clove's babies to the rabbit tractor. Her rabbits were 10 weeks old on June 1, 2024. They weighed between 2 pounds 12 ounces and 3 pounds 1 ounce. We think that we have 5 does: caster, lighter caster, black booted, broken black, and broken caster and one buck: blue self. Evidently self is the most rare, so we will likely keep ahold of this buck for a while as well.