Release Receive Tapping Tuning Meditation Clearings

New Project Description. Release Receive Tapping Tuning Meditation Clearings. Join me and see if these sessions have healing benefits for you. Put to nature videos for your enjoyment.



Balancing Rocks in Water
Balancing Rocks in Water

Find Balance

and Harmony

New Series of Videos

A while back, I signed up for the free lessons and sessions on I kind of forgot that I had done so, because I was surprised when I started to receive emails from Allie. So, a couple weeks ago, I decided to work through her foundational sessions that she was offering for free. The first module that I did was the "You Deserve to HEAL" session. It had a much bigger impact on me than I was expecting it to have.

When I do my Biofield Clearing Sessions and I know that I release something big, the main way that I can tell its effects, is that I can pop my neck. In between my sessions, my neck seems to tighten up again, for a while, then I release something new and I can pop my neck again and it feels like it is popping and releasing energy in new locations and getting looser and less painful. My neck has come a long way in the last couple of years!

With Allie's session, it was quite different. I am not sure if it was just a natural result of the session and/or if she mentioned that yawning was part of releasing emotions, but I yawned and yawned and yawned for several days after I did that first session as I processed the healing and released energy and let things settle in.

I am not really much of an "off the cuff" talker. For this reason and others as well, I decided that with my Biofield Clearing Sessions I would not do the talking/guided imagery like Eileen McKusick does. I figured that if the tuning fork knew what to do, that was enough; the talking didn't matter. (Sometimes I found myself wanting a bit more tuning fork and a little less talking from Eileen's sessions.) I have had enough experience to know that the tuning fork does promote healing without talking, but after doing Allie's session I realized that the talking/guided imagery can also be healing.

I still do not plan to become a "talker" and would not want to just copy what Allie is doing. But, I did decide that it could be beneficial to combine a bit of what Allie does with what I do, so I have come up with the plan to create new videos for my "Release Receive Tapping Tuning Meditation Clearings Series." Hopefully it will turn out to be beneficial for all of us.

Part of the reason that I was surprised with my results from Allie's session was that she incorporates tapping. I had heard of tapping before and actually tried it a few times and didn't feel that it did anything for me. Maybe my Biofield Clearing Sessions loosened things up enough that tapping is helpful now, or maybe there is another explanation, but her session really helped me.


There are likely many sources that can teach you about tapping and the different methods/places to tap, but Allie uses the simple method of mostly tapping on the forehead or the collar bone, but says that she just taps anywhere on her body depending on what is convenient for the circumstances. Tapping helps disrupt the energy in your body so that it can be released and reset. While you are watching my sessions you can tap as you desire with your fingers or you can tap with a tuning fork like I do in the videos.

If all else fails you can also do my favorite kind of tapping, because any kind of exercise has also been known to help release energy and emotions.

Tapping Collar Bone
Tapping Collar Bone
Tap Dancing
Tap Dancing

Meditation Statement

My plan is to start the session with striking the tuning fork and sitting with the vibration as I state the meditation statement. The meditation statement will be the first part of the title of the video, so you can say the statement outload with me when I say it, or you can just think it along with me.

Sit with the statement while the tuning fork send vibrations into your energy field and think about believing the statement and accepting it. Bring the statement to the subconscious mind!

When I strike the tuning fork again, I will let it sound as I tap it on my collar bone and forehead, sometimes my heart as well. While tapping; picture releasing all past trauma, feelings, blockages, etc. that prevent you from believing and accepting the statement. Honor your feelings and let them go!


Releasing Butterfly
Releasing Butterfly


The third time I strike the tuning fork, I will place it on my heart and hold it there. You can simply put your hands over your heart and imagine receiving the light and knowledge you need in order to process the old emotions in a measured and comfortable way as well as receiving an acceptance and belief in the statement. Breathe in the healing!

Receiving Healing
Receiving Healing

If you want more ...

What I described above takes about 1 minute. So these will be short videos that you can watch over and over again. My shorts will be available for free on Brighteon, YouTube, and Rumble.

However, I will also spend about 4-6 more minutes sitting with the statement and releasing blockages regarding that statement. These longer (about 5-7 minute) sessions will be available through membership on Patreon or can be purchased in the store in discount packages.

As a side note, Allie also recommends scribbling to release emotions, you can check out her site to find out how she recommends you do this. This picture is not a true representation of what scribbling is, but I downloaded the picture from along with the other pictures on this page and decided to throw it in. At any rate, I do occasionally enjoy coloring pages similar to these and believe that it can also be a healing and emotion settling activity. Relax and get creative!

Coloring Pages
Coloring Pages


If you have positive results and/or if you have suggestions for meditation statements that you would like me to do a session on in the future, you can post comments on the videos or you can send me an email.

Fill your mind, body, and spirt

with Light and Love

Sun shine through heart made by hands.
Sun shine through heart made by hands.