Spring Cleaning
Spring Cleaning. Getting ready for our first baby bunnies. It is hard work to clean up after the bunnies and get their cages clean in preparation for the baby bunnies.
The cold seemed to affect Parsley more than the other rabbits. For some reason she started to use her loft as her bathroom. We decided that we wanted her to have a clean cage for when she had her babies, so on a warm day in February we went to work and cleaned Sunny's and Parsley's cages.
Preparing for the baby bunnies.
Parsley seemed interested in preparing the nest box, so we were hopeful that she really was expecting.
We didn't get good pictures of the babies for a few days, but as you can see we have 2 dark bunnies and 4 light grey bunnies. It will be interesting to find out how they look when they are older.